Passion. Inspiration. Future of Mobile.
Use the promotion code GIZMO-LOVE to register on this page.
MLOVE stands for a passion for a ‘Lifestyle of Mobility’ – a love for the opportunities that emerge with the new medium and a love for the people who are brave enough to rethink mobile in order to find out its potential in manifold ways and above all its unintentional uses.
Mobiles are computers not telephones. They facilitate controlling our environment like a remote control for our daily life. Yes, we have the control in our hand. And suddenly we ask ourselves what we actually want to do with it.
MLOVE is looking at how the Internet of Things, quantified self and wearables have an impact on the devices we carry around with our selves. What are the new companion devices that make our smartphones the remote control to our lives?
We invite thought leaders and creative minds, all those who wish to steer the course of technological development into a (new) direction to join MLOVE. All those who have awareness for the disruption which this medium is causing and who believe that this is the first step of a global revolution.
“MLOVE provides an environment for innovators in multiple areas to come together and collaborate in defining the future,” stated Rasheq Zarif of Mercedes-Benz R&D North America – and WIRED called MLOVE the “Best event in Mobile”
The 3-day MLOVE ConFestival takes place in a castle South of Berlin and gathers a young and passionate group of visionaries, opinion leaders and kick-ass trendsetters. The ConFestival program is a mix of keynotes, visual thinking workshops and an entertaining festival program. Find out more on http://www.mloveconfestival.com/europe/2013/
The event exposes the mobile industry to the best minds outside of Mobile to maximize the opportunity of creating life-changing services and applications that can impact us all for the better. Speakers 2013 include: Nike Foundation, Matternet (drones), AT&T, Telekom, Rambus, Singularity University (NL), Hopelab (Omidyar Network), Ars Electronica, IxDS Fritzing, and many more.
For the first time there will be a special “startup barn”, where mobile entrepreneurs meet accelerators, investors and mentors. There is a maker camp to get in touch with Arduino boards, a HackCamp and design thinking workshops – not your usual mobile conference
Ubergizmo is a media partner of MLOVE. We offer special tickets to hackers and startups starting at 199 € for this amazing event including all food and drinks in a magical freaky castle with an amazing avantgardistic audience!
Use the promotion code GIZMO-LOVE to register at: http://www.mloveconfestival.com/europe/2013/register/
For more information, the developing speaker line up and tickets registration, visit the official website at www.mloveconfestival.com.
Filed in Event, Mobile, Tech Conference and Technology Conference.
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