Ubisoft released its Wii U-exclusive ZombiU during the system’s launch, which to this day is still one of the best games available on the console. ZombiU wasn’t going to be the only Wii U-exclusive title Ubisoft created for the console as Rayman Legends was also supposed to be exclusive to the Wii U, but the company decided to make it a multi-platform title instead. This certainly wasn’t a good sign for the Wii U, and during E3, Ubisoft president Yves Guillemot has decided against creating exclusive content for the console until Nintendo is able to sell more Wii U systems.
“We need more sold,” Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot told Kotaku. “They are coming with five of their biggest brands ever. And the Yen went down. So maybe they will take steps that will increase the number of consoles sold.” The big brands Guillemot was referring to certainly includes Super Smash Bros., a new Super Mario game and Mario Kart 8.
Hopefully what Guillemot says is right and the spark of quality first-party games for the Wii U will help sell more units, which means we’ll be one step closer to getting a sequel to ZombiU.
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