T-Mobile recently invited the press to unveil its “boldest moves yet.” At the event, T-Mobile announced its new Jump program, which lets subscribers upgrade their devices twice a year, for just $10 per month. AT&T responded to this with their Next program, which a certain T-Mobile executive based as being a “poor imitation” of Jump. Verizon too has been rumored to jump on the early upgrade bandwagon, it was rumored that the carrier would be announcing its VZ Edge program soon. Verizon’s CFO Fran Shammo has confirmed that they are indeed going to announce ‘Edge’ early upgrade program soon, though he didn’t offer much details about the program.
Shammo has said that Verizon will reveal more details about this program in the near future. Right now it is not known for sure exactly what will be the terms of this device. With its Jump program, T-Mobile offers subscribers comprehensive insurance against device theft, malfunction or loss as well, all for the $10 per month charge. AT&T’s Next program might be being criticized, it will be interesting to see how Verizon sets its early upgrade offering apart from the pack.
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