The Open World Forum 2013 is being held in a global climate where the Free and Open Source Business is unaffected by the crisis, still in strong growth.
More than 3000 people are expected for this new edition. This evolution is the reflection of a renewed program and a new venue, that better suit the event’s ambitions: becoming the most important Open Source event, at the intersection of political, societal, technology and economy.
The 2013 edition will be held in a global context where the Free and Open-Source software industry is still sustaining an outstanding growth, unaffected by the current economy. For the frst time, an Open-Source vendor has passed the billion-dollar revenue mark. Public policies have devoted special attention to Free Software, like in the UK, in Québec with the Bédard Plan, or in France with the Ayrault recommendation, to name a few. Furthermore, emerging sectors like mobile and cloud computing are dominated by Open-Source, such as the Android Operating System, or the OpenStack platform.

Filed in Conference, Open Source and Tech Conference.
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