We’re sure by now, you already have chosen your instant messaging application and have been happy with its service for several months. Jumping to a completely new messaging service is a pretty hard decision, especially if those who you chat with don’t use the service you’re attempting to make the jump to. That doesn’t seem to be the case with Line, which has just announced they have passed the 300 million user milestone.
We wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of Line, but with 300 million users, it could possibly be one of the largest messaging applications around. Line continues to gain in popularity in Asian markets with the service’s origins coming from Japan. Even though Asia is a large market for Line, roughly 80 of its business come from overseas messaging accounts.
Line puts a huge emphasis on stickers and other images that can be published within chat, but that’s not all as the application allows you to conduct video calls in addition to just having a good old chat with users of the service.
With 300 million users, we’re curious to see if Line becomes as popular in western regions as it is in the east as we could certainly see that number continue to grow if it’s adopted in the west.
Filed in Instant Messaging and Line.
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