itrace3_610x458Given that we’re used to writing up reports, sending out messages, clocking in reminders, and more using our electronic devices, the skill of penmanship could slowly become a thing of the past. I remember back in the day where schools taught kids how to write not just normally, but had classes where we were taught how to write beautifully as well, such as the intricateness of cursive writing, for example. Well it seems that handwriting is still an important skill to possess as one dad claims through his creation of the iTrace handwriting app. Developed by Michael Bogorad, he claims that the app was born from his need to teach his children how to write properly.

According to Bogorad, “I am a father of two boys, and the reason I started this project is because I don’t like how kids are taught handwriting in kindergartens. The way teachers teach didn’t change through the last 30 or 50 years. They basically show what to do and ask to write letters many times.” What makes his app different from other similar apps is that he believes that his app looks better and has better features for learning, and is apparently a better teacher than normal teachers because the app will be able to give children its undivided attention, versus teachers in the classroom where one teacher will have to divide their time amongst 20-30 students, sometimes more.

It is a good idea and we’re sure that there are parents out there who still think that beautiful penmanship is a skill that can be appreciated even in today’s technological age. Priced at $3.99, the iTrace app is available via the iTunes App Store for both the iPad and iPhone.

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