You can be forgiven for asking about when the latest Android update is going to be available for your device. Android updates are never rolled out for all devices at once, there are carrier certifications and OEM tests that need to be run before an update is deemed to be ready for end users. These days the focus is on Android 4.4.2 KitKat, those with supported devices want to know exactly when they will receive said update. Samsung laid down its roadmap for U.S. release of Android 4.4.2 yesterday and today there’s word from HTC about the T-Mobile HTC One Android 4.4.2 update release.
HTC America president Jason Mackenzie revealed via Twitter in response to a query that T-Mobile HTC One owners will receive the update this week. He says that they expect carrier certification from T-Mobile “any day now,” and that the update will be pushed as soon as certification is received. When asked about the same updated for HTC One on AT&T, Mackenzie says that its likely for the update to drop in the last week of February. Its all in T-Mobile’s hands now, if the carrier certifies Android 4.4.2 for its HTC One, then the company will move for an immediate roll out. However if T-Mobile finds some issues that it wants to get fixed, then it could bring about a potential delay in the release. Fingers crossed!
Filed in Android 4.4, HTC One (M7) and T-Mobile.
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