chrome-windowsphone-81It is no secret that Windows Phone does not command the lion’s share of the smartphone market at the moment. In fact some have even advised Microsoft to just give up and go with Android, which at the moment is the more dominant OS. That being said, recent figures released by NetApplications has revealed that it isn’t all doom and gloom for Windows Phone at the moment.

According to their findings for the month of July 2014, they have found that in terms of web usage, there is a slight increase in Windows Phone users. This is based on a combination of both Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8.1 where they now account for 2.48% of all mobile usage.

Granted this pales in comparison to other platforms, but given that it was 1.14% a year ago, it seems that Microsoft has managed to double their market share in a year. The figures for June 2014 was at 1.99% so seeing a growth of about 0.5% is pretty good, as far as the Windows Phone platform is concerned.

The Verge’s Nilay Patel also shared some server stats where it was found that Windows Phone devices accounted for 430,000 hits in the past month, which when compared against the rest of the other platforms from iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and even Symbian, meant that Windows Phone had about 3.2% of The Verge’s mobile usage share.

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