If you’ve been meaning to purchase Google’s current Nexus flagship smartphone but haven’t got around to it because you thought that the price was too high, well now there’s the perfect opportunity for you to get your hands on one. Google has cut the Nexus 6 price by $150. That’s not all, the company is also offering free shipping on all orders placed through the Google Play Store so you save on shipping as well.
The 32GB Nexus 6 can be directly purchased from Google right now for $499, that’s $150 off of the regular price of the handset. Savings also apply to the 64GB model so don’t worry about having to spend more if you want more storage.
Google is selling the 64GB Nexus 6 for $549 right now, it’s an incredible value for money given the handset’s specifications and the fact that it’s going to be the first in line to receive Android M when the new software is released later this year.
The company has not made it clear if this is a limited time promotion or if the price cut is permanent. A new Nexus handset isn’t expected at any point in the near future so a permanent price cut right now wouldn’t really make sense.
Whatever the company decides to do, this is a great time for potential Nexus 6 customers to put the money down and pick one up for $150 less than what they would usually have to pay.
Filed in Android M, Google, Nexus 6 and Social Hit.
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