Apple-sign-logo110712125041In the coming month, Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Both of these handsets are basically improvements over its predecessors, which means we could be looking at processor upgrades, camera upgrades, and let’s not forget the rumored brand new Force Touch feature.

Sounds like quite a feature-packed phone, doesn’t it? However according to a recent analyst report from KGI Securities, it would seem that the analyst does not believe that the iPhone 6s or the iPhone 6s Plus will be that big of a success story, at least not according to Apple’s expectations.

According to their numbers, they predict that Apple will sell 65-75 million iPhones during the December quarter of 2015. This means that compared to Q4 2014, it shows potentially zero or even negative growth, even though 65-75 million iPhones are still a pretty huge number. The analyst suggests that there are a variety of reasons why this will be the case.

For starters China, who is one of Apple’s largest markets, is experiencing a declining economy which means spending on such luxuries could be curbed. It has also been suggested that the Force Touch feature which will be heavily marketed will not impress customers, kind of like how Siri was heavily marketed at launch but in the end kind of flopped until Apple made some improvements later on.

That being said, these are just the opinions of an analyst and for all we know, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will end up selling way more than expected, but either way we guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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