I’m sure there are plenty of Windows Phone 8.1 users out there who just can’t wait for Windows 10 Mobile to arrive. The update was expected to be released last year but it was delayed to early 2016. Microsoft has still not confirmed when it’s going to release the new iteration of its mobile OS but the company has confirmed that some Windows Phone 8.1-powered handsets will first receive a firmware update prior to getting Windows 10 Mobile.
According to a spokesperson for the company, for existing Windows Phone 8.1 devices Windows 10 Mobile is only going to be a software update. However to fix a few issues there will be firmware updates for some devices that are still running Windows Phone 8.1.
The spokesperson points out that right now Microsoft has not communicated which WP8.1-powered devices will first get the firmware update before getting Windows 10 Mobile and when, but recommends that users have the latest software on their Windows 8.1 device in preparation for Windows 10 Mobile.
There’s also the issue of carrier approval that’s needed before the update can be released for WP8.1 devices. Once that’s done though Microsoft is going to assume control and will send out subsequent updates more efficiently as it’s going to have direct control over the update roll out process.
Filed in Microsoft, Windows 10 Mobile and Windows Phone 8.1.
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