Now according to a report from Reuters, another autopilot-related accident has occurred, and this time in Chia. The report claims that a 33-year old programmer from a local tech firm, Luo Zhen, was the driver behind the wheel and he even filmed it all thanks to his on-board dashcam. Thankfully it seems that neither Luo nor the driver whose car he hit were not injured.
According to a Tesla spokeswoman, “The driver of the Tesla, whose hands were not detected on the steering wheel, did not steer to avoid the parked car and instead scraped against its side. As clearly communicated to the driver in the vehicle, autosteer is an assist feature that requires the driver to keep his hands on the steering wheel at all times, to always maintain control and responsibility for the vehicle, and to be prepared to take over at any time.”
Tesla has stated in the past that autopilot is not the same as a self-driving car and have warned users not to treat it as such. However Luo claims otherwise and said that the impression that the company gave him was that it was self-driving. “The impression they give everyone is that this is self-driving, this isn’t assisted driving.”
Filed in Tesla.
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