Image credit – @erinrbrooks
One of the features exclusive to the iPhone 7 Plus is Portrait Mode that arrived in the iOS 10.1 update. Basically this combines the use of the zoom and wide-angle lens on the iPhone 7 Plus to create a faux bokeh-like effect that mimics portrait lenses for mirrorless/DSLR cameras, thus the name “Portrait mode”.
If your photos are somehow not turning out the way that you envisioned or how Apple has advertised it, not to worry as Apple has since published pro tips on how to use the feature. This is based on tips from photographers who have managed to use the feature rather flawlessly, we might add.
For the most part a common recommendation is to get in close on the subject. Photographer Jeremy Cowart recommends that users try to minimize the background as much as possible, and to cut out distractions from your subject. He also suggests putting the sun behind your subject to provide some nice back lighting.
In any case these tips seem to be mostly general tips and nothing too specific, but in case you’re struggling, perhaps they’ll still be useful. In the meantime early impressions of Portrait Mode have left some users wanting, but hopefully these will be addressed in future software updates.
Filed in iPhone and Iphone 7 Plus.
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