In a report from Business Insider, UBS analyst Timothy Arcuri claims that the worst is indeed over for Apple. He cites the price cuts Apple made in China as being one of the reasons why. “While March mix is still bad, the tone in the supply chain is starting to improve and price reductions in China may be starting to clear channel inventory. Procurement estimates for XR are actually now up Q/Q in June – atypical for this late in a ‘new’ model cycle (good near-term for QRVO), but reflective of inventory burn.”
It is unclear how accurate Arcuri’s claims are as we will most likely have to wait until Apple’s next financial report to get a better idea if things have indeed improved. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook had previously cited a variety of reasons why the sale of the new iPhones aren’t going as well as they’d like.
One of those reasons is the battery replacement program in 2018 which for $29, iPhone owners could sort of breathe new life into their older devices, thus allowing them to put off replacing their iPhones for another year. Cook had also conceded that price was one of the main issues, and in an interview with Reuters hinted that they might lower the price of the iPhone in select markets affected too adversely by the strong US dollar.
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