Massage centers structure the ambiance in such a way that you feel you have been transported beyond the hustle and bustle of your busy life to a tranquil oasis. They have largely done that through interior design, scents, and music. A massage center in Los Angeles is taking the immersive experience to new heights by strapping a VR headset to customers’ faces.

Opening this Friday, the Esqapes Immersive Relaxation Center is said to be the first of its kind in the city. It will offer customers 10 different virtual reality environments to relax in while they get their massage. The environments include a koi pond and a resort, a ski cabin with a crackling, satisfying fireplace, and a sauna.

It will even use fragrances that are related to each setting with a cool breeze to further enhance that experience of having been transported someplace else. So it’s not the humans that are setting the ambiance, surely they must be doing the massaging? That’s not even the case as customers will simply plop down in an automated massage chair which will take care of the rest.

Esqapes is located in the SAG-Aftra Building which is also home to the Screen Actors Guild. Even if the massage isn’t quite as good as what you may get from a human, the massage center would be hoping that the novelty of the virtual reality experience will be enough to keep customers coming in.

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