There isn’t any confirmation that this is really the situation with Samsung, so you might want to take it with a pinch of salt. According to an anonymous source working for T-Mobile, Samsung is purposely holding back the Android 2.2 update for the original Vibrant in order to differentiate and drive sales of the recently leaked Vibrant 4G. Considering that many Android phones out there are already running Android 2.2 or newer, it wouldn’t make too much sense for Samsung to make its device run an outdated version of Android, as such a move didn’t work out too well for Sony Ericsson. Still, we’re hoping that this is just a misunderstanding and that the Android 2.2 update will be on its way soon. The source was quoted:
“Some disturbing things have happened the last week or so concerning our “Vibrant”. Samsung has NOT allowed us to push the update OTA for 2.2 because they feel it will decrease the value of the upcoming Vibrant4G +. While from a marketing aspect i totally understand, as the Vibrant 4G is what the original Vibrant should have been in the 1st place. But to shun off and bold face lie to customers is NOT what T-Mobile is about.
…Being that, Vibrant 4G and Vibrant have exactly same stats, added FFC and a new movie and the 4G. But i will tell you this, the original vibrant CAN utilize 4G FULLY. Yes FULLY. not what they are telling you.”
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