If there’s one thing you can be sure of whenever a new gaming console is released, it’s that hackers will have their way with it sooner or later and in the case of the Nintendo 3DS, it’s the former. The 3DS hasn’t even been on the market for a week, and some hackers have already devised a way for it to run R4 cartridges. In case you didn’t know what R4 cartridges are, they are special cartridges that can be used on the Nintendo DS to run pirated games and/or homebrew software. A new R4 cartridge hasn’t been released for the 3DS yet, but hackers have managed to hack the 3DS to enable the previous R4 to work on it. The good news (for Nintendo) is that not everybody is capable of hacking the device to make this a widespread issue but you can be sure that Nintendo won’t be sitting around for that to happen. Let the game of cat and mouse commence…again. Hit the break to watch a couple of videos that prove the R4 works on hacked 3DS devices:
Filed in 3DS (Nintendo), Ds, Hacking and Nintendo.
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