Android can be pretty much adapted to work on any sort of device – from phones to tablets and even car stereos, there’s one more to add to the list of devices – universal remotes. Conspin, a home theater and electronics manufacturer has merged an Android tablet with a universal remote to create a smart universal remote. With 3 different interfaces- RF (RF4CE), IR, and WiFi, the remote is capable up controlling up to 50 different compatible devices (over 10,000 devices are supported). In addition to controlling your home theater, the fact that the remote runs Android means you’ll be able to make use of Android apps – this means custom remote apps designed for Android devices can also be used on the remote for a more intuitive way to interface with the devices when the default remote doesn’t cut it. And if there’s nothing to watch on TV, you could always load up games or surf the internet with the tablet itself. The Conspin Andi-One URC is available now for $349.99. Promo video after the break: