HTC has been previously reported to have promised the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) update for their Desire family of phones. Since this included the Desire HD, people wondered if this included other phones similar to the Desire HD. In an email that a HTC spokesperson sent to an enquirer about Gingerbread arriving on the ThunderBolt and EVO 4G, this has been clarified. The ThunderBolt and EVO 4G will be getting the Gingerbread update. While the same time frame has been given (beginning of April to end of June), it is basically the same Q2 2011 window as promised for the HTC Desire family. Gingerbread has been out for awhile now, and it’s about time we see some devices other than the flagship Google phones running the latest version of Android.
Filed in 4G, Android, Android 2.3, Evo, Evo 4g, Gingerbread (Android), HTC, Sense, Sprint, Thunderbolt, Update and Verizon.
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