You may know that Facebook is the world’s most popular social network – but how popular is it exactly? 500 million active users and Facebook the service translated into over 70 different languages sure sounds like a big deal, but how does it look on a map? Well, the folks over at Vincos.It have posted a map charting out the top social networks of each country all over the world. Lo and behold, Facebook is the world’s favorite, covering most of the globe.
While most of the world is using Facebook, you can see that there are some countries haven’t hopped on the Zuckerberg bandwagon, and are relying on other social networks instead. Notably – Russia with V Kontakte, half of South America with Orkut; Zing, Mixi and Odnoklassniki taking up East Asia.
But while Facebook has been growing globally, it has also been reported that statistics for Canada and US show a drop in usage over the past few months. Perhaps Facebook is losing its novelty and people are logging in less, but it’s up to the company to find more ways to keep people interested. But it doesn’t look like Facebook is going to lose its hold on the world anytime soon. How many of you use another social network instead or don’t even use one at all?
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