However one of the challenges that film-makers face is the ability to land the focus on the right spot while shifting focus. For example if you had two people talking and you have the camera focused on the first person talking, then when the second person starts talking, naturally you’d want to focus on that person instead, but for those who are not so experienced, landing the focus precisely on the second person might prove to be rather tricky. Professionals use a device called a follow focus to avoid this problem but those can prove to be costly, and over the amateur film-makers budget.
Enter the DSLR Follow Focus, which is a product by DSLR Solutions. As the name implies, it has been designed for DSLR cameras in mind. Unlike the more expensive follow focus devices used by professionals which are automated, this is entirely operated by hand, which might explain why it’s cheaper. The long handle is also said to prove to be more ergonomically-friendly compared to using your fingers to manually focus your DLSR’s lens. The DSLR Follow Focus is said to come with start and stop markers, which can be used so while switching focus, all the user would have to do is pull/push the handle, slowly shifting the focus, until they touch the marker. This should help users hit that focus point.
They come in two sizes, original and large, and both cost $59.95 each, although you could get them together for $89.95. Check out the video below for an explanation on how the DSLR Follow Focus is used, or head on down to DSLR Solutions’ website to place your order.
Filed in Dslr and Photography.
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