Online-based casino RoxyPalace conducted a survey regarding people, their mates and the new iPad and the results that it revealed after were truly intriguing. According to the survey, 11% of bachelors would rather buy the new iPad than spend their hard earned cash on trying to get a girlfriend. In addition to that, 3% of the participants who were polled said that they would ‘gladly’ leave their partner if they were rewarded with Apple’s latest tablet.
Fortunately for the world, 84% of women were keener to hang on to their current partner, rather than trade them in for the Apple tablet with only 4% of all the respondents saying that they would swap their partner for a non-Apple tablet. Besides that, 44% said that they used an app to ‘resolve a relationship problem’, 15% admitted to scouring the internet looking for ways to mend the gaps in their relationships and almost three quarters of the respondents said that they would rather screen their prospective partner on FaceTime before actually meeting them face-to-face.
The new iPad, as amazing as it is has also had its small share of problems but for a large chunk of the male population to forgo a possibility of a relationship for a chance to take one of them home is saying something. According to a spokesperson from RoxyPalace, “The Apple product has a wide variety of functions but even the latest version (iPad) can’t offer some of the things that a new romance can – but it seems many males are happy to forego this.” Maybe the boys would change their mind if they were offered something like this.
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