Fresh from the launching of iTunes 11 last week, it seems that Apple is planning to hold an iTunes event in Russia tomorrow, December 4, at a local shopping center in Moscow. This was allegedly revealed by an Apple PR person named Irina Efremova who sent out a copy of the invitation to TechCrunch.

In the email, the event is described as something “musical” and “private,” which is to be held at the popular shopping center GUM on Moscow’s Red Square. Apparently, reports of an iTunes launch in the country were already spinning. It all started when a few App Store users started seeing music searches appearing online. The searches reportedly revealed low prices, ranging from 11- to 20 rubles each, or around 5-to 65 cents.

Meanwhile,  Russian business publication Vedomosti previously wrote that iTunes Senior Executive Eddy Cue and iTunes Europe Director Ben King visited Russia to prepare for the launch. The date, according to Vedomosti, was previously scheduled on the 20th of November, but was eventually moved to the first week of December.

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