Under the Radar Conference – May 22-23 in San Francisco: Get the Early Bird price (limited # of tickets available!) >>> http://undertheradar.eventbrite.com/
The Consumerization of IT
People are accustomed to using their beautifully designed and easy-to-use productivity tools in their everyday life. As employees, they have the same expectation for their experience in their work environment. Enterprises are now embracing this change and allowing employees to bring their own devices to work (BYOD) and to adopt low-cost SAAS-based solutions, saving substantial costs in the IT department but rendering concerns around security and compliance.
The opportunity is for the companies who can couple simplicity, good design, ease-of-use, and speed with enterprise-level security and compliance. These enterprise products will benefit both the CIO and CMO in delivering a flawless experience for both the employee and the company. Smart startups that have met this challenge will be presenting at Under the Radar: The Consumerization of IT.
Right now Under the Radar is calling for companies (http://www.undertheradarblog.com/nominate-to-present/) to apply who specialize in the Cloud, SaaS, infrastructure, security, mobile, Big Data, BYOD, Developer and Enabling Tools.
Under the Radar is Silicon Valley’s most effective business development conference. While it is NOT a funding event, in the past three years alone, 68% of presenters have gone on to raise major funding and/or be acquired by companies such as Google, Yahoo!, Cisco, BT, Microsoft, Twitter, Fox Interactive, and others. It’s inevitable with so many dealmakers in one room.

HOW UNDER THE RADAR WORKS: A handful of the industry’s most compelling startups are selected to present to experts and technology executives who are specifically looking to partner with and acquire new technologies. For the sake of making it fun for all attendees and participants – it’s rolled out “American Idol” style. See the presenting companies and judges below. Alumni include LinkedIn, Box.net, Wufoo, Tungle, and hundreds more. http://www.undertheradarblog.com/
Ubergizmo is a media partner of Under the Radar Conference

Filed in Conference, Tech Conference and Technology Conference.
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