While subscription based music services haven’t exactly proven to be a gold mine, consumer interest in them is gradually increasing. Many companies are looking to break in to this niche, the latest being Amazon. A new report claims that Amazon has been meeting with some of the biggest record labels and discussing a subscription music service that it is planning on launching. According to the report, the meetings being held are informal as of now and they’re aren’t exactly any more juicy details. Amazon seems interested in an on-demand music streaming service, one that will be similar to Spotify.
Amazon is not the only company toying with this idea. Both Google and Apple are said to working on their own services. Word gets around in the Valley, and surely all three of these companies want to be a step ahead of their competition. It remains to be seen which company will be the first one to get their service out. The subscription based music service niche isn’t exactly saturated right now, so it all depends upon execution of the idea. Being first is perhaps not as important as doing it right. That’s all there is to know about Amazon’s discussion with record labels right now, hopefully we’ll hear more on this soon.
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