Earlier this month, we reported on Bethesda planning to make more noise this year for its upcoming titles. They certainly caught our attention when The Evil Within was teased through a number of Vine videos. But it looks like the publisher has some more tricks up its sleeves than what looks to be a survival horror game as another title popped up on the Australian ratings board.
The title that is raising some eyebrows is called “Endless Summer” and it looks to belong to Bethesda and its parent company, Zenimax. The Australian ratings board listing has Endless Summer as a MA15+ “modified” game that has “strong horror themes and violence. Considering The Evil Within was just announced last week, Endless Summer could be a codename for another horror game, which would certainly be an interesting move.
It looks as though whatever Endless Summer is, it may be yet another horror-themed game for you to play late at night to get the bejesus scared out of you. Hopefully we’ll hear more about what exactly the game is sometime in the near future as you can never have too many horror games.
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