Now in its fourth edition, Futur en Seine (organized by Cap Digital), the largest, most important French event in the digital world, presents an even more impressive showcase of innovation and entrepreneurial energy. Start-ups from around the world will be joined by researchers, designers, institutions, associations and prestigious companies to share their visions of the future with the general public. This year, Futur en Seine is set from June 13th to 23rd, 2013.
The festival will start with the Innovations Village (exhibitions, meetings, conferences and workshops around innovative projects…) at CENTQUATRE centre from June 13th to 16th, 2013. It will also present the Projects archipelago, a display of over a hundred of prototypes and innovating projects, gathered around 10 themes such as Robots, Music, Digital Arts, Education… Then, it will continue all over Paris Region, with approximately one hundred partner events until June 23rd 2013 : exhibitions, workshops for families, concerts…
In 2012, 10,000 visitors attended Futur en Seine at CENTQUATRE centre, and over 90,000 visitors over 10 days.
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