Some four months ago the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft was grounded by the FAA following a number of safety related incidents that had been caused to the battery system. In March, the manufacturer was finally given the go ahead to test its new battery system. Since then there have been many tests, including two certification flights. The ban was finally lifted late last month with Ethiopian Airlines becoming the first carrier to resume its 787 Dreamliner service. Today United Airlines has announced that its Dreamliner aircraft will once again roam the skies from this day on.
Despite the fact that the ban on flight was lifted last month, the entire fleet couldn’t be operational at once because it took teams more than a week to retrofit the new battery systems in all Dreamliner aircraft delivered to airlines around the globe. At the moment United Airline’s Dreamliner service is being operated on domestic routes inside the U.S. only. It is expected that the airline will resume long-haul international flights aboard the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft starting June 10th, the route being Denver, U.S. to Tokyo, Japan.
Filed in Boeing.
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