If you’ve ever accidentally flung your iPhone at your significant other after you found them cheating on you with your cousin, you know how heartbreaking that experience can be if you happen to break your iPhone screen in the process. Currently, Apple charges $229 in order to repair the screen on an iPhone 5, which many would point out costs more than a subsidized iPhone 5. The Wall Street Journal took a look at the rising price of repairing an iPhone 5’s screen, and what they found is the combination of more expensive components and low supply of those very components are the culprit for the rise in costs.
“The replacement components for the iPhone 5 are much more expensive than similar parts for prior models — so expensive in fact that many independent repair services cannot compete. “Due to the high cost of replacement parts, we are not yet offering iPhone 5 repairs,” according to a statement on ComputerOverhauls.com, an online repair shop. “Currently, the Apple Store is the least expensive option for repairing damaged iPhone 5s.” Other services charge as much as $250 for the repair.”
According to the article, the iPhone 5 is actually much easier to fix than previous iPhone models, which we find to be quite ironic considering it costs way more to get it fixed. Hopefully you learned that you need to take some serious care when walking around with your iPhone 5. If you suddenly become a jaded lover, we recommend you throw a pillow since they don’t hurt as much and if they break, getting a new one won’t cost you over $200.
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