Apple has reportedly reached a licensing deal with Warner Music Group, which is one of the major music labels out there. According to sources Warner is the first major label that has reached a deal which includes both recorded music and publishing. Apple is involved in negotiations with Sony which are taking quite a lot of time and might end up costing Apple the chance to unveil iRadio at WWDC 2013.
Rumors about Apple’s Pandora-like music streaming service started back in October 2012, it was said back then that this service will be released in the summer of 2013. Apple has already signed a deal with Universal Music, now only Sony is left. Sony’s issue is reportedly with prices for song skipping, which basically are prices for songs that users listen a fraction of and then skip. If Apple really has reached an agreement with Warner, it may very well be able to unveil iRadio at WWDC 2013, provided that it can move negotiations along with Sony. If not, perhaps we might have to wait until fall of 2013 for this music streaming service to go live.
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