Apple fights a lot of cases in a lot of courts around the world. It is now the subject of a new lawsuit, filed by a lawyer from Tennessee, who is blaming the company for his porn addiction. Chris Sevier lives in Nashville, he argues that Apple sells products through which one can easily access porn. He argues that Apple should build in an antiporn filter in its devices so as to “filter out pornographic content.” Chris says he’s “concerned with the welfare of our Nation’s children, while furthering pro-American values.” Read on, it gets better.
Chris says that the company didn’t warn him of the damages that pornography can cause, claiming that when trying to access Facebook.com, due to a spelling mistake he ended up going to F***book.com, which “led to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences” as it “appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male.” This addiction caused “unfair competition” between Chris and his wife, who is no longer 21, as Chris began desiring younger girls featured in porn videos as opposed to his wife.
This resulted in to a failed marriage which caused emotional distress to Chris and drove him to the point of hospitalization. At one point the suit also says that “rampant porn online is proving to be the cigarettes of our time,” an obvious reference to the era when cigarette companies wouldn’t tell customers about the health risks. I’m sure quite a few people are baffled by this suit, it certainly is unorthodox and if it ever goes to trial, it certainly is going to be an amusing one.
Filed in Lawsuit.
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