We sure have been seeing a lot of love for Nintendo’s last video game console to use game cartridges, the Nintendo 64, within the modding community. We recently saw the N64 Book Case Mod, which we felt would be a perfect modification for you if you love reading as much as you love your videos games. Today, we’re seeing another Nintendo 64 mod that pays homage to TRON Legacy.
The customized N64 has portions of its console and controller fitted with what looks to be glow-in-the-dark strips along with a reflective plastic coating to give it its slick look. We highly doubt there was a TRON game available for the Nintendo 64, but if there was, this would be the perfect console to play it on. It was created by modder Zoki64, who we would guess based on his name, is a very big fan of the Nintendo 64.
The Tron Legacy Nintendo 64 doesn’t look like it’s a product that you can actually purchase as Zoki64 has posted his creation on DeviantArt, although we’re sure if you ask him really nice, maybe you can get him to sell the console to you.
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