Google’s attempt at a social network of their own resulted in Google+. While there is nothing inherently wrong with Google+, safe to say many are already comfortable with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter where they might have already a loyal following and a page/account all setup the way they like it. This however has not stopped Google from trying to get everyone to hop on board their social network. We saw Google’s attempts at trying to encourage more Google+ signups by integrating the service with YouTube, where all YouTube comments made require the person to have a Google+ account. Recently we have also seen how Google removed the Gallery apps from its Google Play edition handsets in a bid to encourage users to use the Photos app, which unsurprisingly has better Google+ integration.

To that extent College Humor has created a video in which it makes fun of Google’s efforts at trying to shove Google+ down our throats, by offering a free service called “Blackmail” where if one does not sign up for a Google+ account, Google will release all the information that they have on us to friends and family. The video points out how Chrome’s “Incognito Mode” is actually not incognito, and that our embarrassing searches will be posted online for everyone to see. It’s a pretty hilarious video and if you have a few minutes to spare, it’s definitely worth your time if you’re looking for a chuckle or two.

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