It certainly won’t surprise anyone to hear that a smartphone’s battery burst or caught fire. There have been a lot of those incidents, and the device doesn’t necessarily have to be old to suffer such a fate. Last year several Galaxy S4 units either “exploded” or caught fire due to various issues. The latest incident is a bit unusual, though it has happened in the past as well. The iPhone 3GS seen above belongs to a writer at the Letem Svetem Applem website, and as you can clearly see, the iPhone 3GS battery balloons right up to the verge of bursting, but fortunately doesn’t, the possibility of physical harm in such cases always exists.

The writer has had this iPhone 3GS since 2009 and says that it has worked without any issues since then. This happened on its own, the battery almost doubling in size, looking almost like a liquid filled balloon and not a conventional iPhone battery. Obviously the iPhone 3GS has been rendered useless, though Apple’s European office has reached out to the writer, or so he claims. Another iPhone 3GS which suffered the same fate, owned by Tim Beljavskis who reached out to this scribe, also saw the battery balloon to a mind boggling size. Interestingly, there is a small thread dedicated to this on the Apple support website.
Filed in iPhone 3GS and Social Hit.
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