
Last month the Apple U.S. online store estimated shipping for 2013 Mac Pro in April. Supply seems to be tight ever since the new Mac Pro was released late last year. Apple did manage to get it out in December but since then shipping times have slipped greatly. Even on the launch day itself the shipping estimates slipped into February. Now the online store lists shipping availability between 5-6 weeks, pushing deliveries well into May.

Supply didn’t catch up with demand in February as it was expected to. In February estimates fell even further. Customers who couldn’t wait had to turn to third party retailers, but those who want to purchase customized to order models from Apple have no option but to wait. The situation is the same for Canada, though other online stores in Europe still promise shipping in April.

Its not entirely clear why Apple hasn’t been able to catch up with the demand. The Mac Pro’s demand certainly doesn’t equal Apple’s mobile popular devices like iPhones and iPads yet for those products the company is usually able to catch up with demand in the first couple of months. There haven’t been any major reports about production issues or troubles with component suppliers, so who knows what might be the problem.

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