9008-455-140421-App_Store-Games-lBack in the day it used to be which platform had more apps available for it, but as developers started to craft apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously, it soon became a matter of which app is available on which platform exclusively, kind of like Xbox versus PlayStation in which exclusive games can help gamers decide which platform to go for.

That being said, it seems that Apple and Google are seriously considering taking things to the next level and are looking to provide top game developers incentives to create for the platform exclusively, or at least a limited time exclusive. This is according to a report from The Wall Street Journal who claims that Apple and Google are working on vying for the attention of the top game developers.

Some of the ways that Apple is reportedly doing that is by offering premium placement. This means that games will be placed at the top part of the App Store where everyone will be able to see the games upon first glance, and whether or not gamers actually download and purchase the game is a different story, but at least it is visible.

In fact this sounds familiar because back in 2013, there were claims that EA delayed the Android release of Plants Vs Zombies 2 to allow Apple to gain an exclusive for a short period of time. While this is a good way to get games noticed, we’re not sure how well this might work out for indie developers whose games might not have been tried and proven yet, and might be overshadowed by these promotions, but what say you?

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