shigeru-miyamoto-profileIs virtual reality the next wave in gaming? Well judging by the efforts of companies like Sony with Project Morpheus and Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus VR, it would certainly seem that way, but apparently not everyone is on board with virtual reality gaming. One of those people is none other than Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto.

Miyamoto has recently expressed his reservations regarding virtual reality gaming. Speaking to Time, Miyamoto stressed that the idea of gaming that Nintendo is trying to achieve is meant to be done in the living room where it can be enjoyed by friends and those who are watching them. This seems to be the complete opposite for virtual reality.

According to Miyamoto when talking about virtual reality gaming, “They go into a separate room and they spend all their time alone playing in that virtual reality, that’s in direct contrast with what it is we’re trying to achieve with Wii U. And so I have a little bit of uneasiness with whether or not that’s the best way for people to play.”

It is an excellent point, although we guess different people game for different reasons. Some prefer to play games solo, some prefer multiplayer, so we guess it really isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation we have here, but what do you guys think? Do you agree with Miyamoto’s reservations regarding virtual reality gaming?

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