Soon after releasing a major update for OneDrive on mobile\, Microsoft has now removed the 2GB file size limit on uploads. Microsoft made the change without saying anything first, it was spotted by a reddit user initially. However the company has now confirmed that it is indeed increasing the upload file size limit for OneDrive from 2GB.
Microsoft’s cloud storage service was previously known as SkyDrive. It was rebranded as OneDrive since the company had to change the name due to a lawsuit. Its available on a variety of different platforms and tries hard to compete with rivals like Dropbox and Google Drive.
A spokesperson for Microsoft has told TNW that the company has begun working to increase the file size limit for all OneDrive accounts. “We have started the process with a small number of customers,” it says, the change will be rolled out to the entire customer base in the near future.
At this point Microsoft has not defined a new upload file size limit. To put things in perspective, let us not forget that Google Drive lets users upload files up to 5TB whereas Dropbox caps it at 10GB.
The time frame in which new size limit will be rolled out for all OneDrive users has not been defined. Microsoft says that it will make a formal announcement on the OneDrive blog once the change is put in place for everyone.
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