atari-landfill-saleOne man’s meat is another man’s poison, and in this particular case, one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. Why do we say so? The E.T. cartridges which were discovered in a landfill and subsequently dug up, with plans for them to be housed in a museum, will soon go on sale for those who are curious (and have more money than sense to throw around). There has been some E.T. cartridges which have started to pop up all over the place on eBay, with some of them actually featuring bids of up to $360 – and perhaps even beyond, now how about that for something that has been deemed to be “useless” for a long time now?

Of course, not all of them will be sold, since a bunch of them will end up as donations to museums for preservation’s sake, as well as to be kept by officials and even distributed as gifts. Assuming the cartridge itself actually still works after all of these years, one might have to actually try to look for a working Atari 2600 console to see what the (non) hype is all about all those years ago. Just how much would you be willing to fork out for one of these long buried cartridges? Fret not, I am quite sure that none of them would come with a curse from pharaohs.

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