Time and time again we read stories online about the experiences people have with customer support at two of the biggest companies in the U.S., Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Its no secret that many people have criticized the customer support that these companies offer and it appears that this trend isn’t dying down. Once again Comcast and Time Warner Cable find themselves at the bottom of the American Consumer Satisfaction Index.
The rankings show which companies are providing great customer service in the eyes of their users and which companies are leaving their customers disappointed with the quality of products and services. MarketWatch reported the latest rankings with TWC’s internet and TV services ranking last followed by Comcast’s internet service.
This isn’t the first time that both companies find themselves dead last on the American Consumer Satisfaction Index. A similar ranking put together earlier this year also placed Comcast and Time Warner Cable at the bottom. So they were already there, the latest rankings show that things haven’t really improved over the last few months, even though Comcast even hired someone to improve interaction with customers.
One can only imagine what customers might be in for once these two companies become one. In case you forgot, Comcast and Time Warner Cable are attempting to merge into one single entity.
Filed in Comcast and Time Warner Cable.
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