We’re sure many of you guys have seen portraits taken where the subject’s face is well and evenly illuminated. This is sometimes thanks to the use of a ring flash that offers a different type of flash dispersion compared to a regular flash unit and is ideal when trying to take studio portraits.

Now the good news for mobile photographers or selfie addicts is that if you’ve always wanted a ring flash for your phone, then perhaps Vany might be an accessory worth checking out. Vany is basically a ring flash designed for mobile devices and is small enough where users can easily wear it around their neck and take with them while on the move.

As you can see in the video above, Vany will attach to smartphones by clipping onto it thanks to its design. It  can also be easily removed so you can pop it on and off without too much hassle. We can’t speak to the quality of the device or the flash, but assuming the sample photos shared by its creator are the real deal, we have to admit that it does a pretty good job at illuminating the subject without being too harsh.

Its creators are also promising that the Vany ring flash will be able to last its users up to 3 hours with continuous use, so unless you’re going to be snapping portraits all day, we reckon it should be more than enough to get you through the day. If you’re interested in helping fund the project, head on over to its Indiegogo page for the details.

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