The social network has begun to roll out its instant articles feature which we reported about last week. Basically what this does is that it takes articles from certain websites, such as The New York Times and BuzzFeed and loads it within the Facebook app itself, as opposed to launching a separate website, thus cutting down loading time immensely.
In fact Facebook claims that through the instant article feature, articles will load 10 times faster compared to that of loading a separate page for it. These articles are also hosted on Facebook’s servers which accounts for its faster load times, and it has also been optimized for Facebook so users will have a better mobile experience viewing it on their phones.
Unfortunately for now these articles will only work on the iOS version Facebook’s app, but fret not as the Android version is on its way. According to Facebook Chief Product Officer Chris Cox, “Fundamentally, this is a tool that enables publishers to provide a better experience for their readers on Facebook. Instant Articles lets them deliver fast, interactive articles while maintaining control of their content and business models.”
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