The next time you’re on Foursquare trying to find out the hottest places to visit in your city, you can easily call a car to get to that location from within the app. The company has teamed up with Uber to enable users to call a car from the on-demand service, that’s already linked up with many other apps to allow the same functionality. Uber also has its own applications for iOS and Android, so it’s not really that hard to call one when the need arises.
Those Foursquare users you don’t have the Uber app installed on their smartphone get a discount on their first ride ordered through the Foursquare app, using the promo code “FOURSQUARE.”
They will also be prompted to download the official app. Users who are old customers will only get the option to choose between the car they want and they can then order it through Foursquare.
This integration is enabled through Button’s DeepLink Commerce platform and it will take a cut of every transaction made through its platform, but that’s for the companies to worry about, users won’t be troubled with that.
What they’ll get is the ability to call an Uber when they’ve found some hot new place on Foursquare that they would like to visit, but would rather ride in the back of a car to get there.
Filed in Apps, Foursquare and Uber. Source: techcrunch
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