Motorola has been very quick over the past few months to release the latest software updates from Google for its recent models, it was actually among the very few OEMs that released Lollipop very quickly when the new software was launched late last year. David Schuster of Motorola has confirmed that the company is going ahead with the soak test for the original Moto G LTE Android 5.1 update, this comes after the company released said update for 2nd Gen Moto X.
In an update on Google+ Schuster said that the first generation Moto G LTE is going through a full soak test in the United States for the Android 5.1 Lollipop update.
Motorola regularly conducts soak tests for upcoming software updates, it provides the update to a select few users who test it out and provide feedback before the company deems it appropriate to send it out to everybody.
While Motorola has only confirmed that the soak test has begun in the United States, several reports have come in from other regions where the same update is also being put through a soak test.
Now that Motorola has started the soak test for original Moto G LTE’s Android 5.1 Lollipop update it’s only a matter of time before it’s sent out to the public.
Filed in Android 5.1, Moto G and Motorola.
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