This has been confirmed by franchise development director Frank O’Connor who said, “We do kind of know what’s going to happen in the next game pretty well at this point. We’re doing serious real planning and even some writing on the next game already, and that’s a luxury – we’ve never been in that position before.”
However that’s not all. It seems that the folks over at 343 Industries already has the entire series planned out, at least for the next 10 years. According to O’Connor, “So we both know at a very high level what’s going to happen in, say, ten years from now. But at that very granular level knowing what’s going to happen in the next game and that’s just been a great feeling for me.”
Assuming that everything goes according to plan, it certainly seems to be in line with Xbox boss Phil Spencer’s vision for the future of Halo, in which he had previously stated that he sees the franchise lasting for at least another 20 years.
Filed in 343 Industries, Halo and Microsoft.
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