Dubai wants the world to know that it’s not shy about adopting the latest in technology and that it’s going to put on big shows to prove that point. Recently the UAE’s largest city held the first World Drone Prix which was won by a teenager who walked away with $250,000 in prize money and now it has announced plans to hold robot Olympics in December next year.
Government officials have said that the three-day event, called World Future Sports Games, is going to be held every two years starting next year and that it’s going to work to create sports leagues for robots around the world.
Robots will take part in nine competitions which will highlight the best in artificial intelligence and robotics. Competitions include robotic football, driverless car racing, robotic running, swimming, table tennis, wrestling and more. There’s even going to be a cybathlon competition, whatever that is.
Dubai knows that when it puts on a show the world comes to watch. The tiny emirate is known for its penchant for big and shiny things so we can expect the robot Olympics to be a big and shiny affair when the games take place in December next year. Who’s excited? I know I am.
Filed in Dubai. Source: mediaoffice.ae
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