Nintendo recently made us all very nostalgic by announcing that it’s bringing back the NES in a new way. The company launched the new mini NES Classic Edition which comes pre-loaded with 30 games. Sega wants to get in on the action as well. The company has announced that it’s reviving the Mega Drive brand and is now launching a two-player home mini console and a portable gaming machine.
Sega made this announcement in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The two-player Mega Drive console has support for the original Mega Drive cartridges, it can be plugged into your modern TV and also comes with two wireless controllers. The portable console has a 3.2 inch display as well as a rechargeable battery.

Both the mini console and the handheld system come with 80 games pre-loaded, titles include classic such as Mortal Kombat, Sonic, Comix Zone, Golden Axe, and more. What this means is that you can start playing these classics as soon as you power up these machines.

Both Mega Drive products are now available for pre-order from FunStockRetro, priced at $65, they will begin shipping in October. Bear in mind that these devices are manufactured by At Games, a Chinese company that’s not exactly known for quality hardware when it comes to making retro consoles.
Filed in Game Consoles, Nintendo, Sega and Social Hit. Source: gamespress
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