Despite boasting that they would have zero dependency on Google’s services in 2-3 years and forming some pretty interesting partnerships with smartphone makers, unfortunately last week the folks at Cyanogen Inc. announced that they would be shutting their services down and halting support for nightlies.
So that was the end of Cyanogen OS, but the question is what about CyanogenMod? Since CyanogenMod is run by the community, many believed that the ROM would continue to survive, and the good news is that it has, in a way. It seems that the team behind CyanogenMod has announced that they will be continuing the project under a new name: LineageOS.
According to its developers, “So, yes, this is us. LineageOS will be a continuation of what CyanogenMod was. To quote Andy Rubin, this is the definition of open. A company pulling their support out of an open source project does not mean it has to die.” It seems that the lack of monetary support and PR mess led them to decide to create a new Android fork instead.
It is unclear as to what LineageOS will contain, what features it will have, and so on, but the team is expected to share more details come 27th of December, 2016, which is tomorrow, so do check back with us then for the details.
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