This is because many fans felt that the game’s announcement was a slap in the face, especially since many had been highly anticipating Diablo 4 (despite Blizzard tempering expectations), but it did not stop fans from voicing their displeasure publicly during the Q&A session, and on various online platforms and forums.
Turns out that Blizzard did not see this coming, according to executive producer and Blizzard co-founder Allen Adham who spoke to Kotaku during an interview at BlizzCon. According to Adham, “We know our audience here is passionately PC- and console-focused. We’ve also seen this before. We saw a similar response when we announced that we were bringing Diablo to console, and we saw a similar response to the announcement of Hearthstone.”
Diablo Immortals is not the first game to be met with such negative reactions. A couple of years ago when Activision announced Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, it was met with massively negative feedback, but it still managed to be the top-selling console game of 2016. It is possible that players will have a change of heart once they get their hands on the game, but for now it appears that many do not appear to be too happy with the announcement.
Filed in Android, Apps, Blizzard, Blizzcon, Blizzcon 2018, Diablo, Diablo Immortal, iOS and Social Hit.
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