Just yesterday, Square Enix finally confirmed that its long-awaited remake of Final Fantasy VII will be released in 2020. However, if Final Fantasy VII is not your jam, then you might be interested to learn that in addition to remaking Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix has also announced that they’ll be remaking Final Fantasy VIII.

Now, the entire Final Fantasy franchise has its huge following of fans, although admittedly the seventh installment is probably it’s most popular and most recognizable, even amongst those who might not have played the game before. However, this does not mean that we should be sleeping on the remake of Final Fantasy VIII either.

Granted, the trailer and fanfare surrounding the game isn’t quite as hyped up as Final Fantasy VII, but if you did enjoy that particular installment, the remake should allow you to enjoy it with more modern graphics. It is also expected to launch later this year where it will be playable on the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and the PC.

This is not Square Enix’s first time remaking one of their Final Fantasy games. The company has remade and remastered several titles in the past, so this shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

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